BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative)
Our production implements the standards of the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) to promote social standards in the value chain and improvements within factories, to protect workers' rights and to ensure humane working conditions.
Sustainable Production
In our production, we pay special attention to sustainability. 85% water reduction and 50% lower power consumption compared to conventional belt production. We use only vegetable-tanned leather for the manufacture of our belts.
Olive leather
As a high-end product we offer olive tanned leather belts. European skins, European tanning with extracts from olive leaves and a German production make a sustainable product.
We are strongly committed to innovation and actively strive to reduce chemicals and contaminants in our supply chain, reduce overall energy and water consumption and avoid waste and wastewater. Our ultimate goal is: ZDHC (Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals), a Zero Impact strategy for environmental and water resources and minimal use of chemicals. That's why we switched our entire accessory production to water based polyurethane and vegetable tanned leather. Both processes are indispensable in order to be able to offer guaranteed chromium VI, DMFA and AZO-free products.